In terms of upgrading and deepening the information about the innovative CSF program, on our homepage we have added the "CSF App" menu. In order to be transferred automatically to the app, click on the picture.
The pilot application provides geographical information surveying the CSF fields, and specifically locations, areas and varieties involved this year in the CSF program.
Furthermore, it presents the general profile of the field, while it offers the possibility of traceability using latitudes. Gradually, the field calendars for each parcel will be available.
Our ambition within the CSF app is to provide to all interested parties the maximum permissible information about the innovative program Certified FiberMax® with Sustainable Farming Practices. Moreover, this application is the tangible proof of the effort made by BASF to enhance the quality of cotton produced in Greece.
We continue to believe that only through continuous improvement of agricultural practices and a shift in the quality of the product, we can hope for a better perspective for cotton in Greece.